Thursday, February 24, 2011

FatBoy Day 31

Today, we will be going to NYC and for the 1st time in 10 years I am below 200 lbs at 199.  Unbelievable!  Who knew after all these years of busting my butt in the gym playing basketball, racquetball, swimming, and spin class that all it would take is this little bottle and a diet?  I feel almost cheated that this wasn’t made available to me sooner!  Why isn’t this diet popularized in the media more?  I have found the cure for the common fatman!  We are maintaining the HCG drops as long as we can especially now that the results are happening so rapidly.
UPDATE: We were unable to make our flight as a blizzard decided to show it’s ass in the northeast, and consequently all plans changed.  While we arrived early for the earliest flight that morning and was able to get the earliest guaranteed flight 3 days in the future, there was no amount of waiting in that airport that was going to get a plane to NYC that day.  After several hours of just that in futile hope, a close-living friend offered to pick us up saving us time and cab money, and another let us stay with them and partied with us all night until the next day.  We had a blast with all of them and they know who they are and they are true friends.  
              After arriving at the airport at the crack of dawn again, we were told without a shadow of a doubt that there was no way they could tell us anything of value and that we could always wait in standby… Finally, as unexpected as it was at this point another couple invited us to lunch and we eventually landed back at their place where, in addition to spending the night, they offered us a place to keep the car saving us long-term parking fees!  Its times like these that in all seriousness, I feel truly blessed.  
              As far as the diet is concerned, these 2 days I haven’t been the strictest.  I cheated with some fried chicken and some higher calorie meals.  By day 32, as a result of bottle trauma we both discontinue HCG and begin the 3 days of VLCD alone.  By this time I am 195lbs, almost a full 25lb weight loss and the feeling of accomplishment is special.  My wife has also lost 20lbs and you can probably imagine the ancillary benefits (cue the music) of thatJ.  This is an illustration done by a buddy of mine to show how daddy rolls at the house when the kids aren't around!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

FatBoy Day 28

Down to 200!  I haven’t seen this weight since I met my wife 8 years ago at age 31.  The pounds are falling quickly now as the slow going a couple weeks ago are now a distant memory.  Maybe all people go through a little slow time where the weight loss isn’t as rapid, but maintain the diet and don’t cheat!  You will get back to the weight loss!  The worst thing is to just say “forget it” and go back to the old way.  I used to love carbs.  Pasta, rice and potatoes were my friends and comfort pals.  No longer.  I have no urge for those foods and the reality is that now 250 calories a meal are plenty!!!  I’m pounding 3-4 liters of water a day along with morning coffee.  I’ve added lemons to my water now as I read that they assist in fat metabolism and it doesn’t taste too bad. We’re headed to NYC for a week and we will not be able to maintain the diet so we will be stopping the HCG drops at day 30, and we will begin the final phase of the diet 72 hrs after our last drop.  My wife has regained her desire to diet and thus has now lost almost 20 lbs and we are about equal in total weight loss to this point.  Yes!  Here's a recent pic!!!


Saturday, February 12, 2011

FatBoy Day 23

Down to 205 and I’m very happy, as the last time I was this weight was almost 3 years ago.  Almost 15lbs. down and I’m starting to get noticed.  More people are seeing the transformation and asking questions.  I’ve turned into an advocate for this diet.  I found myself at first arguing on its behalf, and now it speaks for itself.  My clothes feel great on me these days and I’m beginning to use clothes that I haven’t in a while… The hunger is there still at nights but with the results I’m getting, change is not an option.  My wife on the other hand is struggling.  She finds herself cheating more now.  Weight loss has been non-existent for her recently.  I believe it’s been a mental thing for her.  She has had such great success initially that in my opinion she has become complacent.  I won’t fall for that.  I know that this is a finite time period in which the diet is effective, and I want to maximize that time.These are photos of me at the 23 day mark.